
A seamless solution for converting images, PDFs, and handwritten notes into searchable and editable text.

Accurate. Fast. Reliable.

Designed to deliver exceptional accuracy in text recognition

High Accuracy

Supports a wide range of texts, fonts and formats.

Handwritten Text Recognition

Go beyond printed text with handwritten text recognition.

Versatile Input Formats

supports various input formats, including images, and PDFs.

Easy Integration

Comprehensive documentation, SDKs, and sample codes.

Explore awakaza OCR

  • + Invoice Processing
  • + Receipt OCR
  • + Automated table extraction
  • + Document Digitization
  • + Automated Data Entry

Capture feedback in real-time

Satisfied guests are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommendations online, enhancing your brand's reputation and attracting new customers.

Personal Identification Extraction

Efficiently extract and process data from National Identity Cards (NICs), Passports, driver’s licenses, and other personal identification documents for verification, record-keeping, and more.

Automated Data Entry

Save time and reduce errors with automated data entry. Extract information from invoices, receipts, forms, and more directly into your databases and applications.

Unlock the Power of Text Recognition

Choose a plan that's right for you.


A complete Guest Satisfaction Tracking System for newly started companies

  • Handwritten Text Recognition
  • Extract Specific Details
  • Fast Proccessing
  • Real-Time Processing
  • Scalability
  • Easy Integration


Guest Satisfaction Tracking System for Established Enterprises

Includes All the Growth Plan Features

  • Multilingual Support
  • Batch Processing

Custom plans are available

Let us help you get started with the right tools for your business.

  • Fill out the form and we will reach out to you within 24 hours.
  • A custom package will be created based on requirements .
  • We’ll follow up with a price quote based on your requirements.